Respiratory distress syndrome. Systematic review


  • Johanna Isabel Bustos Toalongo Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Marcia Yolanda Cobos Alvarracín Universidad Católica de Cuenca


Palabras clave:

Respiratory distress syndrome, related factors, respiratory failure


Respiratory distress syndrome is a prevalent cause of morbidity and mortality, however, patients who survive have sequelae due to lung damage which reduces their quality of life. Objective: to examine the empirical evidence on respiratory distress syndrome. Methodology: A systematic review of articles was carried out in databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo, Liliacas, using the key words "Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Risk Factors". We searched for articles written in Spanish, published in the last 10 years. Results: the most prevalent factors for developing respiratory distress syndrome are pulmonary clinical causes such as pneumonia, aspiration of gastric contents and thoracic trauma, mechanical ventilation and extrapulmonary causes such as shock, sepsis, severe trauma, blood transfusions, among others, and genetic factors. Conclusion: acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening lung injury, most people with ARDS are already in the hospital due to trauma or disease.


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Cómo citar

Bustos Toalongo, J. I. ., Mesa-Cano, I. C. ., Ramírez-Coronel, A. A. ., & Cobos Alvarracín, M. Y. . (2021). Respiratory distress syndrome. Systematic review. Pro Sciences: Revista De Producción, Ciencias E Investigación, 5(41), 28–35.




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