Gender violence among women in the canton of Azogues
DOI: clave:
gender-based violence, women, abuse, primary careResumen
Gender violence is an issue that generates worldwide impact, in addition to being a public health problem, since there are high levels of patrimonial, psychological, physical, and sexual violence that occur daily and are not reported due to fear, omission and Justification, that is why the importance of carrying out this research is born. Describe gender violence in women who attend the Health Center No. 1 of Azogues. Non-experimental study of descriptive, analytical, prospective and cross-sectional type with a quantitative approach. The participants were Women 15 to 49 years of age who went to an outpatient clinic. A survey was designed that included sociodemographic factors and consisted of 27 questions, which collected data on the types of patrimonial, psychological, physical and sexual violence. Results were obtained from 351 women who made up the established sample, where more than 50% belonged to the young adult population, they showed patrimonial violence 22.5%, Psychological 45.6%, Physical 20.8%, and sexual 13,1%. There is a level of positive significance between age and patrimonial, psychological and physical violence, marital status with all types of violence and the level of instruction with a level of negative significance related to patrimonial, psychological and physical violence.
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