Risk factors associated with patients with anemia during the puerpereum


  • Christel Alexandra Orellana Peláez Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Jenniffer Nataly Quito Peralta Universidad Católica de Cuenca



Palabras clave:

postpartum management, puerperal anemia, risk factors


Anemia is a major health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. Anemia in the puerperium harms the health of the mother and the newborn; however, postpartum anemia has not received the necessary attention. Objective: To determine the risk factors related to postpartum anemia. Methodology: a quantitative, descriptive-correlational, retrospective and non-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out, the sample consisted of 288 postpartum women with an age range of 13-46 years attended in a hospital from January to December 2020. Results: The mean age was 23.56 years, 50% had secondary schooling. The prevalent marital status was free union with 70.5%. In occupation, 84.7% were housewives. Ninety-nine percent self-identified as mestizo. According to the obstetric history it was determined that 61.8% were multigestation, 94.1% had a term delivery, 76.6% had optimal prenatal control, 49.3% were euthyroid deliveries, 91.7% were in the immediate puerperium. The risk factors found were primary education level and marital status (unmarried). The most important obstetric risk factors were anemia at the beginning of labor and the type of puerperium, type of dystocic delivery, multigestation parity, number of prenatal check-ups. Conclusion: It is important to implement interventions that address the above factors for the prevention of puerperal anemia.



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Cómo citar

Orellana Peláez , C. A. ., Ramírez-Coronel, A. A. ., & Quito Peralta, J. N. . (2021). Risk factors associated with patients with anemia during the puerpereum. Pro Sciences: Revista De Producción, Ciencias E Investigación, 5(41), 230–238. https://doi.org/10.29018/issn.2588-1000vol5iss41.2021pp230-238




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