Mortality rate and risk factors in adolescent pregnancy systemic review
DOI: clave:
pregnancy, adolescence, women, mortality, risksResumen
Teenage pregnancy has become a public health problem, with high percentages worldwide, which is why it is important to intervene to generate public policies that will help to reduce teenage pregnancy. Objective: To determine the mortality rate and risk factors in adolescent pregnancy through a literature review. Methodology: A systematic review based on PRISMA was carried out in different databases such as: Web of Science, Scielo, Medline, Scopus, the key words were: Pregnancy, Adolescence, Women, Mortality, Risks and the languages searched were Spanish and English. Results: Twelve articles were analyzed, and it was found that the highest prevalence percentage was 56% in Nepal, followed by a prevalence of 26.50% in Israel. Equal prevalence of 18% were found in Ecuador, and prevalence of 17% and 17.70% in Brazil. However, the lowest prevalence identified was 5.80% also in Ecuador for 2015. The main causes of death in pregnant adolescents were hypertensive disorders (28%), puerperal infection (16%), hemorrhage (12%), thromboembolism (12%) and abortion (10%). Conclusion: Increase intervention programs that help adolescents to be clear about contraceptive methods and family planning to reduce teenage pregnancy.
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